On the spectrum of sexuality, there are many scales. Gay or straight also includes pan, bi, and asexual. We present with a multitude of...

Echoes of Old Arguments
To say that he’d heard it before was an understatement: he’d heard her say “you never want to do the things I like to do” so many times,...

Building Patience
There’s this lovely study where young children are presented with a marshmallow and told that, if they can be patient and wait a while,...

Relationship Gardening
Two seeds, watered, in good soil, with enough sunlight and care might yet yield two different crops. A rose is beautiful, a zucchini...

Endings, Beginnings and False Comparisons
Not all relationships last. Often, because who you are at one stage of life changes in another stage, that ‘new’ person finds themselves...

Relational Congruence
Ask a couple you know casually how they met, you’ll get a story. Most couples, by the time they’ve moved in together have a tale they...

Open-minded Like Me
Often, I’ll engage in a conversation with someone who identifies as open-minded. A few minutes in, we realize yes! We feel similarly...

Now What? Moving Forward from Infidelity
Statistics show that infidelity within a marriage happens in 30 – 60 percent of relationships; men are more likely to cheat than women,...

Pew Research Center identifies that 26 percent of young adults ages 18- 25 still reside in their parents’ homes. They note statistics...

Rules and Variance
“Societies need rules that make no sense for individuals. For example, it makes no difference whether a single car drives on the left or...