On the spectrum of sexuality, there are many scales. Gay or straight also includes pan, bi, and asexual. We present with a multitude of...

There’s this iconic line in the Princess Bride when the sword fighter tells his boss that the word “inconceivable” probably doesn’t mean...

Battles, Exits, Icecubes
You might have noticed that there’s been an addition to the concept of ‘fight or flight’ as they pertain to stressful arguments. More...

It snowed in Texas this week – a flurry of white, briefly, that in the darkness of early evening, made our Christmas lights twinkle...

Echoes of Old Arguments
To say that he’d heard it before was an understatement: he’d heard her say “you never want to do the things I like to do” so many times,...

Overcoming Depression
Depression is one of those topics that no one wants to talk about. It is that something that eats away at your being , one minute at a...

There are so many words in the English language that have multiple meanings ~ Change is one of them. How very different are the phrases –...

Building Patience
There’s this lovely study where young children are presented with a marshmallow and told that, if they can be patient and wait a while,...

Do a Thing Right
There is a leak in my office ceiling. Occasionally, a water stain will spread across the tile in circles, eventually bubbling downward so...

Gimme That
That feeling one gets when – if they could just step into another’s shoes for a day or two, they’d have it all figured out. You’re in...